
May 8, 2014

Environmental Anthropology, pt 1. Nature, Culture, Power

Are nature and culture separate things? How do our definitions of land, space, and place affect how we view the environment? Trees, bees, garbage, college, and power! Join host Aneil Tripathy for a special episode with guest ...

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April 28, 2014

The Politics of Difference and Relatedness

Episode 39, Season 3 Join us this week for a trip to the ancient…present? This week Ryan, Aneil, and Adam cover the politics of difference through an unlikely lens and cutting edge research. Were Neanderthals good parents? Wh...

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April 28, 2014

Non-Human Rights

Episode 23 Non-Human Rights Available now! Join us as we dive into the world of non-human rights centered around recent court cases dealing with the rights of chimpanzees, our closest non-human cousins (though some might say...

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April 16, 2014

Visual Anthropology Revisited

Join us for an ‘enlightening’ trip as we ‘shed some light’ on the world of sight, seeing, and visual anthropology. In this episode we explore the deep impact of visual culture across the globe and time from ancient Greece to ...

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April 8, 2014

Coffee Cultures

From the farms of Central and South America and Africa to your favorite neighborhood coffee house, join us as we turn our anthropological eye towards the world of coffee! Connecting the ‘dark beverage’ from across the ancient...

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April 1, 2014

Comic Books, Graphic Novels, and Visual Storytelling

Turning 75 isn’t only a big deal for Batman, it also marks a generational tradition of using graphic media to illustrate, comment on, and showcase different aspects of our own society. Even so, comic books have their roots in...

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March 25, 2014

The Crisis in Crimea with guest Dr. Emily Canning

Join us today for a very special episode with Central Asian expert Emily Canning. Today we turn our anthropological lens to the ongoing international conflict over Crimea: international relations and reactions, nationalism, l...

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March 18, 2014

Garbology, Space Junk and Digital Dumping

3/18/14 We will be discussing the world of disposable objects and material culture: garbage culture and digital dumping, polluting the (final) frontier – yes, garbage in space, and more! Podcast Available here Material Cultur...

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March 6, 2014

Altered States, part 2 with Ben Gebo

Head on over to our Podcasts page and stream the episode or download it for a mind bending journey through the worlds of psychedelics and hallucinogenics, the effects of music on the brain, the human drive for engaging in alt...

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Feb. 25, 2014

Altered States of Consciousness

Hey y’all – we had a great show today and would love for you to check it out and hear what you think! Continuing some of the themes we’ve been building over the course of season two, we’ve traveled from beer, to locomotion, t...

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